Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Ireland Globalization

First of all.....

What is Globalization?

It’s often related with liberalization, internationalization, universalization, westernization or modernization.
It’s defined as “The emergence and operation of a single worldwide economy” (Grieco Ikenberry 200:27). Globalization is also an engine or empire of development because it has transformed the conditions of development and the prospects for a more equitable world order.
It is measured in respect of the growing intensity, extensity and the velocity of worldwide economic interactions from trade through production and finance to migration.

McGrew, Anthony and K. Poku, Nana. “Globalization, Development and Human Security”. USA. Polity Press. Pages 2,3,4.

What is Globalization for people?
When I looked at the globalization images in Google, I found that there are a lot of maps; most of them have the logos of the most important companies in the 
world. One of these companies, of course, is McDonald’s; there are a lot of images related to this company because it is one of the biggest and also one of those that best explain the meaning of globalization. 
 Also I found a lot of images with people dressed in suites which mean that they are entrepreneurs; of course they play an important role in globalization
 because they are the ones that spread the companies all over the world and also the ones that have the power in some countries. They don’t care if their actions affect someone; they just care about money, power and popularity. There are also images with a businessman holding the world which means that nowadays they have the control over us.

Globalization in Ireland.

Before Ireland was an independent country, 

it was not very important because it wasn’t involved in the trademark and the economy of the world; it was a little but very important piece of land for the other countries such as the United Kingdom and Germany; they were interested in Ireland because of its resources, it has a very fertile soil, it has a lot of rivers and in general it can all be exploited. Ireland declared his independence and with this, it started to grow. It was still a very little country but other countries started to invest in education and in infrastructure so the Irish economy started to grow. Since Ireland became part of the European Union, it has access to the European large markets, this caused that Ireland became part of the world’s economy and nowadays it’s one of the wealthiest countries in Europe. With the industrial growth, roads and transport services were developed. They have adopted capitalists ideas from America and the United Kingdom so they continue growing.

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